This past weekend we went to my grandma's house in Coihueco, a town about 30 minutes from Chillán. When l got there at 10:30 AM on Saturday, only my grandma (who insists on being called "Lela" instead of "abuela" because "abuela" makes her feel old) and the nana Rita were awake. But within the hour, my 3 cousins who live with Lela got up and came to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Lela's house is quite big and therefore very cold. And since the kitchen is a separate building and always has a fire going, it is a very popular place to be and I spent as much time there as possible haha. I was very excited because I got to help Rita make the empanadas--she had already mixed the filling and made the dough, but l helped her assemble them and they were delicious (well, all empanadas are delicious).
Sunday was an election day in Chile and they have a "dry law" that says the night before an election, all places that sell alcohol (pubs, bars, and discos) must be closed. So on Saturday night instead of going to a disco with my cousin Rogelio, we stayed in and all 5 of us sat around the dinner table for 2 hours telling jokes and eventually they got so bad that we switched over to cards and I taught them the game "BS" (a.k.a. I Doubt It).
On Sunday we got up late and I went with my host mom, her sister and Lela to vote. When we got back, we had an asado (barbecue) and hung out for a while. Then around 4:30 all the smaller cousins and I piled into my host mom's 2-door SUV and drove to my cousin Tati's 11th birthday party.
Sunday was an election day in Chile and they have a "dry law" that says the night before an election, all places that sell alcohol (pubs, bars, and discos) must be closed. So on Saturday night instead of going to a disco with my cousin Rogelio, we stayed in and all 5 of us sat around the dinner table for 2 hours telling jokes and eventually they got so bad that we switched over to cards and I taught them the game "BS" (a.k.a. I Doubt It).
On Sunday we got up late and I went with my host mom, her sister and Lela to vote. When we got back, we had an asado (barbecue) and hung out for a while. Then around 4:30 all the smaller cousins and I piled into my host mom's 2-door SUV and drove to my cousin Tati's 11th birthday party.

We left the party early because we were all pretty tired, and when I got home I knocked on my friend Valeria's door (who happens to be my next-door neighbor) and we went out for a walk and then sat in her room and talked for a few hours. By that time it was 10 PM and since it was a school night l went back home and collapsed into a deep, deep sleep.